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Guatemalan Marriage Certificate

It is important to take into account what a marriage certificate looks like, especially if you want to get married or perhaps request a certificate to prove your civil status. That is why we will offer you examples of documents that you can download, in addition to giving you information about the tax and notary stamps that you will need to process the certificate.

civil marriage certificate in word guatemala

Guatemalan Marriage Certificate from Renap

Model Civil Marriage Certificate of Guatemala

Marriage certificate Guatemala PDF

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Guatemalan Civil Marriage Certificate Template in Word

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What Stamps Does the Marriage Certificate Have in Guatemala?

The marriage certificate must have a fiscal stamp and a notarial stamp.

Example of a Guatemalan Marriage Certificate 2025

Marriage Certificate 2025

In the city of Guatemala, Municipality of __________, Department of __________, at __ hours and __ minutes, I __________, Notary, do hereby constitute myself in __________, Guatemala, at the request of Mr. __________ and Mr. __________, in order to authorize their marriage, and for this purpose both appear under oath, which I receive from them in a solemn manner, and informed of the penalties established by law in the event that their statement is false, they declare:

FIRST: Mr. __________, __ years old, single, __________ (profession or trade), Guatemalan, of this address, identifies himself with the Unique Identification Document with Unique Identification Code __________, issued by the National Registry of Persons of the Republic of Guatemala, who is originally from Guatemala, resident of __________, his birth having been registered in record number __, folio __, of book __ of the National Registry of Persons; that his parents are __________ and __________, that he does not know the names of his maternal and paternal grandparents.

SECOND: Miss __________, __ years old, single, Guatemalan, __________ (profession or trade), of this address, identifies herself with the Personal Identification Document with Unique Identification Code __________, issued by the National Registry of Persons, who is originally from Guatemala, resident of __________, her birth having been registered in section __, folio __, of book __ of the National Registry of Persons, that her parents are __________ and __________, that she does not know the names of her maternal and paternal grandparents.

THIRD: the contracting parties declare that there is no bond or relationship between them, that they are not married to each other or to third parties; they are not in a de facto union; that they have lived a marital life with each other, have not procreated children between them and that there is no legal impediment to their being able to marry.

FOURTH: both spouses choose the joint property regime of their marriage as it is called COMMUNITY PROPERTY since they do not present a marriage settlement deed, thus the undersigned notary proceeds to read the content of article forty-seven of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala, which refers to the free spacing of children, and articles seventy-eight to one hundred and eight of the Civil Code, which refer to the institution of marriage, duties and rights arising from marriage, in addition to making both spouses aware of the legal and moral significance of this act.

FIFTH: Upon completing all the requirements established by law, the notary asks each party separately: __________, accepts and ratifies his/her express consent to join in civil marriage with Miss __________, to which he/she responds affirmatively. __________ accepts and ratifies his/her express consent to join in civil marriage with Mr. __________, to which he/she responds affirmatively. Therefore, and with the powers granted to me by law and in the name of the same, I DECLARE UNITED IN MARRIAGE Mr. __________ and Mr. __________, to whom I deliver a marriage certificate, as well as their respective Personal Identification Documents, which by their nature cannot be reasoned.

I, the undersigned notary, attest to the above; that I have before me the certifications of the birth certificates, the Personal Identification Documents described and the medical certificate of both; of the issuance of notices to the respective registries, that this act consists of a sheet of bond paper, which will be notarized in the notarial registry in my charge, that it is concluded in the same place and date as it began at ___ hours and ____ minutes, and that I have read it and informed of its content, object, validity and other legal effects, the contracting parties and those persons who were present ratify, accept and sign it, and so on.

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