When a loved one dies, there are various legal obligations that must be fulfilled, and managing the death certificate is one of them. We will offer you information about the requirements to obtain a death certificate and you will know how to download the document online.
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Requirements for Requesting a Death Certificate from Guatemala
There are various requirements to request a death certificate from Guatemala , the most important are the following:
- Personal Identification Document (DPI) of the deceased person.
- Medical report of death.
- DPI of the person appearing.
- If the deceased did not have a DPI, the birth registration certificate can be provided .
How to download a Death Certificate in PDF
If you want to obtain the death certificate online , you only have to enter the website proposed by the National Registry of Persons ( RENAP ). When you enter the website, you must enter your Unique Identification Code (CUI), as well as an access code. If you are not registered in the system, click on “Register”.
Search for a Guatemalan Death Certificate by Name
It is important to clarify that to search for a death certificate online, the request for the procedure must have been processed at the RENAP offices. In the system you will be able to acquire the certificate of the deceased without any major inconvenience.
If you have any questions about this procedure or any other, you can contact us at Citaconsuladosdeguatemala.com, we will respond briefly.